
My 91-year-old mother was admitted to the hospital with bleeding, and many tests are being done to find the cause. No results yet. Please pray that the doctors and staff are able to find the reason and that the healing power of Jesus will restore her.


Give me strength and guidance thru my addiction and depression.


Please pray for Franny who attends Riverside, and who will be taking care of her sister who is having shoulder replacement on Thursday. Pray for JoAnn who is having the surgery---that all will go well, and she will be in Gods' hands all through this procedure and through her healing process. Drench these two sisters in your grace, loving God..


Please keep my daughter Abigail in prayer. Her baby is due in mid-June and she has developed Pre-eclampsia and possibly a blood clot in one of her lungs.


My Uncle Tom made it through the heart ablation procedure & came home on Friday. Today his defibrillator shocked him again so he's back in the VA hospital. They are going to try adjusting his medication. Please pray that they can figure out what he needs.

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